About The Virgin 1960 Poem by Terry Collett

About The Virgin 1960

The tall thin nun
opened the book
scanned the page
then gazed
at the children in class.

What relationship
does Our Lady have
within the Holy Trinity?
She said.

Fay sat at the front
hands in her lap
eyes looking
at the nun
and her bony fingers
the black book.

A boy raised his hand:
yes Borrows?
The nun said.

She's the daughter
of God,
the boy said.

Fay knew the answers
but felt shy
to raise her hand.

Yes she is
the daughter of
God the Father
but what other relationship
does she have
within the Trinity?
The nun said.

A girl with pigtails
put up a hand:
she's the mother of Jesus,
the girl said.

Yes she is
the mother of Jesus,
but who is Jesus?
The nun said
her eyes scanning
the class like a hawk
for prey.

Fay shyly lifted
her hand:
Jesus is God the Son
and so Mary
is the Mother of God,
Fay said.

The nun studied Fay:
so Our Lady is both
a daughter of God
and the Mother of God,
the nun said.

Fay wondered
what Benny would make
of this lesson.

She would see him later
after school if she was
allowed out after dinner
if her father
was in a good mood.

What other relationship
does Our Lady have
within the Trinity?
The nun said.

Fay knew but felt
unsure if she should
raise her hand or not.

No one know?
The nun said.

No one replied
but sat there
eyes on the nun.

Fay knew but it
was too late now
the nun was about
to explain.

Our Lady is
the spouse
of God the Holy Spirit,
the nun said.

A boy put up
his hand.

Yes O' Connor?

What's a spouse?
He said.

The Holy Spirit
came upon her
and she conceived
of the Holy Spirit,
the nun said slowly,
so Our Lady
is the spouse of God
the Holy Spirit,
the nun said.

The boy nodded

Fay understood
but had said nothing.

She would ask
Benny later
if he knew
he would probably say:
haven't a clue.

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