Afternoon Visit 1940 Poem by Terry Collett

Afternoon Visit 1940

Guy and Donald visit me
in the hospital grounds
where I sit in a wheelchair
in the warm sun.

My blind eyes
look towards each one
as they speak.

Philip's away
a few days
he told us
but he'll be back
within the week
Guy says.

Where has he gone?
I ask.

Can't say
hush hush
but he'll be back
Guy says.

Back safe
Donald adds.

Where is safe
in this war?

Good point
Guy says
taking my hand
but he will back.

How are you
getting along?
Donald says.

I am to be measured
for artificial legs
I am told
I say.

That'd be good
Guy says
back on your
feet again.

Not my feet though
I reply
I'll have to fit them
on each day
and take them off
at night before bed.

You'll manage
Guy says
you are
a determined woman
who knows her mind.

Am I?
not sure I have
that mind any more
lost my legs
and my sight
and Clive.

Someone up there
has it in for me
I say.

Yes the Germans
Donald says
and you will
show them
you have courage
and will not
let them
see you down.

I wipe my eyes
with a handkerchief
from my
dressing gown pocket.

Shall we push you
around the grounds?
Guy says.

It is all
the same to me
I can't see anything
I say.

It is silent
for a few moments.

Look Grace
we have to go
keep your chin up
Guy says.

Yes be strong
Donald says.

Then they go
after kissing my cheek
and I sit feeling
undone and weak.

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