All I Want Is You Poem by Ashley Nichol

All I Want Is You

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laying in bed supposed to be asleep.
wondering if youre thinking of me.
curious as to what youre doing.
wondering if you would take the same risk for me that i took for you...
i miss you.
i miss you so bad.
i think of you when i wake up each morning.
i think of you each night before i go to sleep.
all the time - 24/7
never leaving my mind. never ending.
i never thought love could kill...
well ive never felt more dead in my life.
you take my breath away. literally.
everytime i think of you i start to tremble and gasp for air.
all that i can feel is my heart about to pound its way out of my chest.
im losing my mind over you.
i need you.
i need you so much, but i cant have you.
am i wasting my time on another stupid boy that in the long run will only think of himself?
or will all this hurt and pain be worth it in the end?
im almost sleep-deprived because your face never leaves my head.
It haunts my once pleasant dreams.
All I ever wanted was you.
But for now,
You took that all away.

Ashley Nichol

Ashley Nichol

I was born in a Hospital
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