An Oddity Upon My Face Poem by Jennifer Batch

An Oddity Upon My Face

So many things are said about a smile
A smile is worth a million words
A smile can launch a thousand ships
Did I ever possess such a smile? For I dare say
A smile is something I'd forgotten
An expression rarely seen upon my face
So oft made with deliberate and exhausting attempt
As to ward off questions of wonder regarding contentment
Perhaps because it felt unfitting and rather trite to me
Quite uncomfortable indeed was I parading about a smile

Imagine my enlightenment when to my very own amusement
As I sat completely on my own with no other within view
Did I find upon my face a welcomed oddity to me
Something I had not known for many years my past
For there upon my face for no particular reason at all
A smile had been placed quite naturally
Nothing trite at all could be found within it
For indeed at it's very core was found joyful contentment
Such as spring coming forth after a cold, pale winter

Although everything is tossed and thrown a strew
I know within my heart and soul all will turn out as it should
For I have found my smile that was missing for so long
What an odd thing to conceive when things are in place
Just as one would think they ought to be, happiness is not around
Yet when everything turns upside down and all that's left is what's within
Somehow happiness abounds filling all your doubts with smiles
Even if for just a moment, for in that moment faith is found
Offering up a bounty full of reassurance

Jennifer Batch

Jennifer Batch

Bowling Green Ohio
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