Anxiety Poem by LiRa de asis


My brain is wracked with the pain of 1000 worries;
I wish it was one blizzard instead of many flurries;
Its killing me and stealing my life;
Causing so much anxiety and extra strife;

Do you have a way for me to fight it off;
Maybe a way to at least fight until a stand-off;
Cause these times aren't getting any easier;
And people aren't getting any less sleazier;

With each passing minute these waves grow stronger;
And it would seem as though my trip on rough seas grows longer;
I've been out here too long and im growing sick;
Between life and death i feel i must pick;

Unfortunately something inside me pushes me to die;
Pushes so hard i breakdown and i cry;
I fight and I scream but no matter how loud;
Not a soul can hear me in my mind's thunder cloud;

Why is it so quiet in this world of distraction? ;
So strange are these people and items of abstraction;
Why, to be heard, must i take away my voice;
Ask not to be mourned and rather have people rejoice;

Please don't push me any further away;
I'd really rather not leave you this day;
I can feel something taking over;
Its killing me, I think i have too much anxiety.

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LiRa de asis

LiRa de asis

manila, philippines
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