Asking To Remain Shy Poem by Timmy Tubbs

Asking To Remain Shy

The sun climbs on these mornings asking to remain shy
Everything that has never been done has been done before under a different sky
Luck multiplies at night because souls fade under the light
As though the sinful trees tore faith
Jealous of a shadow who had a shadow in the day
These trees never had to wonder at night

Shades of dark never threatened eyes
Nor in the brightest of the day
For the lone oak asks many times
And each time, his soul sneaks further away
Different reasons keep him at bay
The heart takes the beating
As leaves pray for other ways
And it is angering knowing all dreams
Come true years before under dead trees
Trees dropping beloved effects to whom you dare not say
Trees that witnessed every goosebump
When openness was taken for granted
They stole faith

It is not fitting for oaks to believe
Perhaps one day
A warmer shadow will witness a blooming of sorts
And leaves will turn
And the sun will wink
As fear strengthens, time hastens too late
And the leaves will have no one left to blame
Because there is a soul who sneaks away
And beyond love, he sees no other way

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