O.S. Brooks Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ba-Mid-Dele(African Poem Translated In English About Hunger)

Feed my struggle
Where I sleep tonight
Under a star-lit sky
Where my spirit crumbles

Soul Food

I remember...
Church songs

Cocaine Blues

A little boy cries
His father is gone
His mother has died
Their stuff on the lawn

2012 Chemical Daydreams

(Part one) Starry night

After all had settled
There was nothing left

Watching Ships Fall From Sight

Still, another one fades off in the distance,
Till her sails are seen no longer.
Where she'll go on her gentle push north,
I can't say,

An Echo Of Hope(I Dream Of Yesterday)

Let's dream until we get there,
And carry hope with us,
We'll kiss the skyline after,
We taught the world to trust.

In Time As Fading Thoughts Move On...

I closed my eyes and cried as if the world is not enough
Then asked the stars that shine at night to heal us from above
Yet, in these dreams, we get to see if time can heal all wounds
For now, a friend is gone-my heart is missing pieces too

Bright Star

Your smile still holds the essence
Of everything I once loved and knew.
Your walk, your cool persona's quite remarkable too.

Letters From Kuwait

We've been through far to many days apart,
Yet through them all,
You've stayed within,
The center of my heart.

Unbroken(For My Ancestors)

We are but one storm festering
Gathering strength,
brewing up a fight.
We come with fist fills of mud clay proclaiming freedom.

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