Biden Vs Trump Round Two Poem by Ripuree Rip

Biden Vs Trump Round Two

Mr Trump is running 'to' the WH for cover
To corruptly control the only superpower in the world.
So that he can subvert all prosecutions he is facing
For trying to overthrow the 2020 election results.

After regaining control corruptly
His supporters are encouraging him to change the Constitution
So that can he remain in office indefinitely
Since only holding unto indefinite power
Will cause the wheels of justice to be absolved.

On the other hand, Mr Biden is running 'for' the WH
To prevent the powers of the U.S.
From becoming weaponized and corrupted
With Mr. Trump in power indefinitely
Where he'll never pay the price for twice becoming
president fraudulently and corruptly
And trying to overthrow the results of an election
Which he knew full well, he'd lost.

The Media holds Mr Trump to no standard
And thus downplayed his excessive lawlessness
on his first attempt to get into the WH
Which caused him to become a one term president
And now they continue to undermine the grave danger
he poses to democracy as we know it
If he manages again, to corruptly return to the WH.

On the other hand, for Mr Biden's impressive records
The Media emphasize every little victimless misstep he
makes in his normal aging process
(Which are not accompanied by the cognitive degradation
of Mr. Trump) .

So in effect they're ignoring Mr Biden's fitness to do the job
of being President,
While highlighting minor flaws as alerts to be addressed
But normalizing the glaring cognitive, ethical, and political degradation Mr. Trump is showing
Plus his compulsive obsession with breaking all laws.

Further, elected Trump obsessed officials in Congress
Then engage in wasting taxpayers money to enforce a true Witch Hunt on the
Biden family
Which they then reverse as Witch Hunts on themselves.

Mr Trump will give more Corporate welfare to the
rich who don't need it
Mr Biden will ensure that those doing two and three
jobs yet still struggling
Can get affordable health insurance, feed and clothes
their children
Return autonomous power to women over their bodies
And ensure that Social Security is still available, after
working all our lives.

Mr Trump only knows how to lie, deflect and slander
And constantly fleece his cult-like supporters
To pay his ever present legal bills
Yet the more he fleece and lies to their faces
The more devoted and protective of him they become
And will twist and project all of his crimes on the other side

When convenient Mr. Trump tells Police that he's their
best friend
While simultaneously praising J6 insurrectionists who
beat and kill police on behalf of Mr Trump's lies
And said insurrectionists Mr. Trump intends to free from
If he returns to the WH

Everything Mr Trump touches dies mysteriously
While he always walks away financially improved
And all of his lawyers end up themselves needing lawyers
While many other associates either end up in prison,
Under current investigation, unable to be re-employed
Or have their family's finances completely exhausted
By having to pay the cost of Mr. Trump's crimes.

The majority don't want Mr. Trump to return to the WH
It's only the majority of his party who sees him as fit.
Yet he still has a strong chance of winning
Because of the many covert ways in which his party cheats,
misinforms and distracts their voters from facts and truth.

So fellow Americans who are still undecided
As you ponder your choice for November 2024
Remember that Mr Trump first became President corruptly
With (1) disinformation help from Russia,
(2) Eleven days before the election, and while Hillary
Clinton was leading
Mr Comey's intentional or unintentional actions helped changed some minds
(3) Paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels
(4) Working with the National Inquirer to kill any negative story, that would have
shown his unfitness for the job

Mr. Trump and his followers constantly claim that there
was widespread voter fraud that caused him to loose
Yet the overwhelming majority of voter fraud
Were done by his voters -for him
Thus they're now compelled to project their guilt as accusations
Since only by lies, cheating, violent intimidations
And projecting their guilt onto others
Can they have any confidence to win.

It is worth repeating that for the high crime of treason that Mr Trump instigated and directed
And for which people were killed by his angry mob of insurrectionists
He and his unremorseful and unrepentant supporters have
now concluded that he must be returned to the WH by any
and every possible means
As that is the only viable way for him to avoid jail time

Today he's effectively delaying Courts that are trying
to prosecute him
And seeking the Republican-strong Supreme Court to
aid and abet his crimes.
And thereby (as in the Stormy Daniels situations)
Once again, force himself into the WH
Where he will wield absolute power as a dictator indefinitely
Which he already stated he would like to be.

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