Gomer LePoet Poems

Hit Title Date Added
man On The Hill

Man on the Hill

You see the man on the hill,
he's searching for his thrill,

i Just Wanna Dance

I just wanna Dance

please excuse me, don't mean to intrude,
hope you don't think, that I'm being rude,

sweetness Of Desire

Sweetness of Desire

I have a fire in my heart, I have fever in my brain,
if I can't find some release, I might just go insane,

open Heart Surgery

Open Heart Surgery

It's probably time, time to check my self in,
my hair's getting long, so are the whiskers on my chin,

magic In The Night

Magic in the Night

There was music everywhere,
there was something in the air that night,

'There's A Cat In My Hat'

'There's a cat in my hat'

I needed to go to the store the other day,
I was in a big hurry, no time to play,

fine Things

Fine Things

I am sitting here with a nice glass of wine
conjuring thoughts of things that are fine

what The Hell Was That?

What the Hell was That?

I was walkin home late last nite,
I heard this weird noise,

30 Days

30 Days

A flaw in my personality, can be easily detected,
need lots of attention, or I get dejected,

dance With Me

Dance with Me

God knows what a sinner I am, He knows I am a fool,
why does he give me a heart, that breaks so easily,

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