Bursting Smiles Out Of A Blooming Cry ! Poem by sundaram chandrakalaadhar

Bursting Smiles Out Of A Blooming Cry !

mother dear.!

On an eventful bygone day
at the peak of
your love-born lust storm
an insignificant shapeless ' spark '
driven by another lust
sought refuge in you!

You kept IT safe
in your protective warmth-
as a priceless jewel-
deep in the confines of your abdomen
stationing all guards
in their intense watch!

To mould IT with all supreme aspects
you drenched yourself
in the dream rains of 'Spring '

You invited ' Love ';
discussed in detail
your smallest specifications-
and humbly besought
to design ITs Heart!

You joined hands
with the youthful ' Breeze '
at its gentle sprint
to extract delicious juices
of melodious tunes
to enrich ITs Ears!

You consulted ' Flowers '
of thousand kinds
and entrusted sculpturing
ITs sweetest Feet!

You petitioned ' Mercy '
in due reverence
to take the seats of ITs beaming Eyes!

You appealed to the blooming ' Sun '
to have its daily strolls
along ITs Intellect paths!

You roamed the ' Universe '
for ten long months
to feed IT with the extract of
all luminous Stars!

You whispered into the ears
of all Banyan trees
that an aerial root had gone deep into you
and called upon to send at once
a thousand Warblers to lull IT
to a restful sleep!

You keenly searched all forests in Space
and plucked a waneless dear-faced Moon
to bless IT with the gentlest Face!

Day in and day out of gobbling of
dreams and fancies
you stood exhausted
with a ballooned up waist!

In your grand Dream Rivers
all my tiny kicks
crawled in cheers
as joyful waves!

In endless searches of
yourself in yourself
you fully forgot yourself at last!

At that moment precise-
in my surging wish to see you 'Ma '
I called out softly ' ma..ma..ma! '

But waking up from meditation deep
why did you wriggle in intense pain
on such a loving call?

Yes, i was in a hurry to see your face
you too were restless to meet your dream;
and the mighty waves of pain
broke in high-pitched cries
wetting the shores of all dear ones' eyes!

Your shrill cries of 'maa..maa..maaa'
lashed sharply on my soul;
fearing some great harm to my dear mom
I rushed out in agony
by breaking open my temple doors
and fell down in reverence on your knees
and started your search in ' kwa...kwaa ' cries!

But our twin cries brought forth
beaming smiles in their wake!

A moment later-
an expert hand held me upside down
and I had my closer look of you
weakly searching for your greatest find!

In all I learnt my first two lessons
even before I opened my eyes-
' Be you ever upside down in all dealings of life! '
' One's pain feeds another' s pleasure! '

sundaram chandrakalaadhar

sundaram chandrakalaadhar

vaththalagundu, tamilnaadu, india
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