Bury Me At Twilight Poem by Nightshade Starlight

Bury Me At Twilight

There's something in your eyes
As I watch you across the table.
You cant' sleep and you've
Been crying all night.
All I want to do is wrap my arms around you
And say that everything's alright.
Someone has died,
Close to your heart.
I want to take away your pain
Whispering in your ear to comfort you.

Remember the good times
When we would walk as the sun went down
Hand in hand.
We would lay in the cool grass and watch the sun go down,
Pointing out the constellations of the stars in the night sky.
You held me close to your heart
And I could feel you laying next to me.
This is our good memories,
This is where it all seemed to come together,
Remember our Twilight.

I know that you can't see me now,
Or even hear my voice that whispered goodnight to you.
All that's left are pictures and an invisible me,
Watching and wanting to take away your pain.
I know you might not forgive me,
But there's nothing that you could've done,
Nothing that would've helped.
So all that I can ask of you now,
Is please, I'm begging you.
Don't cry when you can make it through.

I can remember the cool wind brushing my skin,
The bright colors fading on the horizon.
As stars appeared in the black night sky.
It was my favorite time, with you by my side.
It all just seemed real and the world just disappeared.
As we laid and looked up at the stars,
We could tell that this was where we belonged,
It was all here it was all at this time.
So when I go please don't cry,
Just Bury me at Twilight.

I know you'll miss me and your
Heart seems to be shredding
As you look at my picture and ask to yourself why.
I know you can't see me now
Or even hear the voice that whispered to you at night.
There was nothing that you could do,
So don't think badly of me, and don't ask why.
For there are things that happen when its unexpected.
I want to hold you close to me again,
I just hope you'll hold are memories close to your heart.

I want red roses surrounding that dark coffin
Under that large weeping willow tree, with its shade protecting me.
My picture on that shiny wood smiling happily.
Friends and family surrounding the roses
As a prayer is uttered in the wind.
I don't want that soft sweet music that you know I hate,
I want the music that I listened to every day.
The music that I would grab you too and we would dance.
I want the sun setting and the colors on the horizon,
Bury me at Twilight.

Those dark red roses are being pulled away
They lower that dark coffin into the grave
And pile the dirt shovel by shovel.
As the sun goes down and the stars come out.
Can you remember our good times?
We would lay in the cool grass and watch the sun go down,
Hand in hand.
Pointing out constellations of the stars in the black night sky.
You held me close to your heart
And I felt you always by my side.

Remember our good times, our memories.
I see you walk away and I close my eyes,
I'll be gone soon and I hope you'll remember our twilight.
I turn around and thank you for,
Burying me at Twilight.

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