Chapter 2 - On Early Autumn Eve They Came Poem by Brian D Griffin

Chapter 2 - On Early Autumn Eve They Came

On Early Autumn Eve they came to gather in that place
Where they in summer's heat had won
The right of royal race

The air was cool and crisp that night, the trees were flecked with gold
They wrapped themselves in autumn's robes to ward away the cold.

They dined on savory stews of meat and tomatoes ripened red
The spicy bowls were good to eat
With spirits for their head

The music swelled and merriment from courtiers was abounding
The song and dance came quick and long with music sweet resounding

They ate their fill at tables long and drank there side by side
Then gathered they together for an evenings carriage ride

The gents uplifted ladies to their place ‘hind noble steeds
Then took their place beside them as the drivers gave them speed

Cross fields and farms and county roads they sped upon their way
More music did they make that night all there upon the hay.

And spirits more they drank and drank as songs now filled the air
They sped along and sang their songs like peasants to the fair.

First one song then another as they passed the bottle round
They sang and laughed as they rode on.A rolling joyous sound

At last, they came back to the place of early merry making
Their hearts were warm but autumn's chill set some of them to shaking

So now they lit the royal fire and rekindled they their song
They found another cask of ale and drank it deep and long.

They heard the stories ancient then the Bardic voice proclaim
About the day sweet Jim and Sally won the royal games

As firelight receded and the cold once more crept in
The courtly throng diminished
Autumn's chill began to win.

The last, the few, the bravest settled close beside the fire
They sipped the last few drops of ale and hugged that warming pyre

Till last the embers faded and the cold reclaimed the night
The grove in silent darkness now
Lest distant starlit light

God Bless our sweet Queen Sally on that night of beauty rare
And God keep good King Jim the brave; we courtiers in your care.

Saturday, June 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
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