Circle Of Life Poem by Kristina Rose32

Circle Of Life

Life is short, think you get this done
or might see one of your families
members or friends but then,
don't get to then find out it
to late,

Some people say it the Circle of
life, then now tell them yes it is
circle of life, but everyone can grieving
in there own way,

Days we might be OK sometimes next
not OK, some people feel bad because
when they aren't OK they seem it is
wrong, But it is OK some days not
to be OK. even know part of
Circle of life but we all need time
to get threw bad times to get
back to good times again, ,

In lion king shows everyone happy
having good times in till they loose
a love one because of someone
getting jealous in movie they wanted
the same thing, but shows all at end
even know what happen in movie
love and family and friends always
come threw part of circle of life in
song in movie.

If you are going threw of loosing a mother or a spouse or a brother or sister or maybe a friend you knew
all your life even know you are moving on because you know got to but just remember it is OK not be OK
days don't rush yourself because people wants to rush you get over after loose someone after year or
maybe longer because we don't really get over grieving we just find another way to go on.

Written Kristina Riggs
date Feb 15 2022
time 1: 30pm

Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: life,grief,moving on
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