Come Gibran, Stand Alongside Your Lebanon! Poem by Aadil Hingorjo

Come Gibran, Stand Alongside Your Lebanon!

Come, realize this most painful reality
Your downtown sleeps in destruction
Touch it with your sensitive heart
Enveloped in tragic trance
It screams out aloud!
Cries and the endless agonies...
International politics,
And the poor lands as prostitutes
Americas, Sauds, and Iranians play out
Lebanon loses another of her organ
Today another tides tears her apart!
Stories embody explosions here...
Come Qabbani, and see it out there
The Mistress of the world, you called her
Her cores are under assassination
Someone must be the reason
The proxies... the petty cash ups,
Pacts and widespread weaponry
Every inch of her is wounded tonight
The gone lips whisper in the air
Utter devastation.
Beirut's body is critically wretched up!
Strikes. Extremes. Security. Silence.
Gibran, your country's crying like a child
Won't you come to console your realm?
Return to your beloved land, and sing it
Sing the sighs of your countrymen
The sea of sorrows floods out
Come, and sit beside your beauty
Your literature laments here
Lebanon badly misses your light
Own it, love.
Embrace it with your intensities.
Lebanon, the most poetic breath
She discovers you, o poet, artist, Prophet
Beholding the history in her head
And writing down the mystery altogether
Waiting for your voice to meet hers.
She's injured. Dismantled, and almost dead!
Give it life, you can.
Retell the world about its dance
It shall not meet any danger again
Revive it, man! Rewrite the beat of Beirut!
Revive your rhyme,
It's all lost in tearful tales...

Come Gibran, Stand Alongside Your Lebanon!
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: khalil gibran,land,loss,tragedy
Aadil Hingorjo

Aadil Hingorjo

Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan
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