Conversation With The Sea Poem by Abhay Advait

Conversation With The Sea

When you spread your waves lavishly at the shore
Some of them touching my feet make me to adore
Is not the ocean of life also eager to embrace me from various sides?
But alas I just give my feet to her;
Not finding my face to kiss, she too pulls herself back like you
Repenting I wait at the shore of my being for her next wave of embrace
But she doesn’t send her waves in succession like you.

Standing at the sea shore, watching galaxy of your curves
You excite me to immerse myself in you to bottom
I fearful of getting drowned, distance myself from your vast depth
But when life touches me with her curves, with one fold embedded in another
Unfolding herself before me, like a pure woman submitting before her man
I again get feared of losing myself in her, this fear differs from yours
The most you can take is my life, but what I fear of losing before the very life?

Oh dear sea, each time I meet you at your shore
You raise questions in me of my life with your bore
Boundless life manifesting herself in myriad hues
But yet my perception for life is not crystal blue
Like you who contains shells, oysters and pearls so rare
Life emotes in me expressions with her rich octaves
But like the sand of shore so near yet so dry
My ear remains dumb to the notes of life ringing nearby.

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