Credit Crunch Poem by AJJ AJJ

Credit Crunch

looking for the penny making it last long
this is the reality of today people loosing
their hard earned money quick to be dropped
like a monkey
credit crunch squeezing it hard now that we
have our backs against the wall ready to be
eased into the corner and ready to be eaten alive
this is the reality of today

together we shall make it with or without the dollars
only our calls can break it from this cycle
now that we are getting rejected from every job
cos every one is fighting for every line to get that
pounds before you and we are loosing that respect
and fighting for every step we take it seems that
there is nothing to do except dispair and we gota
tighten our belts and its time to put all our cards on
the table now they think we wont get ours.
this is the reality of today

time to wake up and fight for the future of our children
while we give them no hope and heap them with fears
of tomorrow debts climbing people loosing hope and
loosing it on the road banks taking our every blood
and sweat while we sit and ponder about the present
and the future and where to get the next pay day
while pigs get fatter and let them eat ours.
this is today's future.

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