Dark Night's (Not Realli A Poem) Poem by Mamber Cooper

Dark Night's (Not Realli A Poem)

Alone she sit's with a black rose in one hand for the one she desires most in the other hand
A knif for the one she hates the most to kill herself would be the end of the
girl every1 knows and cares for and the begining of the girl every1 will grow to hate and Fear
But for her this means she will never feel the pain of knowin the one she desires never cared
or loved her as much as she did him so as she takes the knif and slides it across her arm the blood
falls to the thirtsy earth one dropp at a time and she moves the knif down a bit and does it again
and again more blood falls and the dark shadow's show them selfs ready to take her to the
death of herself as she is and the start of the livin dead but will he ever know how much
she needed him and desired him and that she turned in to this so she didnt have to live
with the pain of knowin he didnt want her or love her like she wanted she ended her
life as it was so she could see other peoples pain so she didnt have to feel her own
she was now a monster all because he couldnt tell her how much he realli cared
and desired her like she did him and now she's gone and he has to live with the
pain of loosein her because he couldnt show his feelins the way she wanted him to

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