Dear Dreamer Poem by Rae Ionescu

Dear Dreamer

Sleep consumes my body, my mind.
As I drown in the darkness, silence, loneliness. Peaceful.
Spark the subconscious thoughts that burn into a fiery, detailed picture of what the heart truly wants. No pretending. No faking.
The absolute truth. The real you.
Surrounded by pillows and sheets and blankets. Wrapped up like a cocoon.
Waiting to finally be free. Burst into dreams. Dreaming only the best of dreams never dreamt before.
Until then... Just waiting...
Trapped in your own mind. Locked inside. Can't run away. Can't escape from yourself, your own worst enemy, worst critic.
All memories come flooding back. Good and bad. The bad are horrible but the good hurt the most. Torture you.
You lie there, as if in a coffin. Locked. Waiting until sleep kidnaps you from your horrid realities. You just want to rest in peace. Eternally.
When you finally leave this world, Project out of your body, out of this world, you leave behind your depressions and stressors and go to a world that's all your own.
Unlimited dreams come from unlimited imaginations. Dreamers, believers, hopers, creators; create something so amazing that will leave the whole world speeachless.
Eyebrowless ladies, star filled nights, melodies of a passionate, tormented soul. The only things that bring peace.
Put your torments on a sheet of paper and call it art.
All of this... coming from dreams.
So dream, dear dreamer, and let your mind be free.

February 1,2012

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