Death In The Circle Poem by Jibrael Jos

Death In The Circle

Every death in my circle
is a wake up call.
It could happen to me
once and for all.
But frankly more serious
If it takes someone close.
How will I handle all
that emotional overdose?

It's a reminder to check
If I thanked whom I owe
If I made it a point to ask
pardon for tears that did flow.
Have I done my duty
towards one who
may leave and go?
Have I shown my love
to one who
deeply loved me so?

As I kneel before you O Lord,
I ask you for strength
for the family of the one
you did call.
I ask you to give us
insight and courage
to answer our call.

Thursday, May 14, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,life,life and death
Michael Walkerjohn 15 May 2020

Aloha J.J. and Cheers! Finally! The best simplification of the results of this Covid issue... Grasping and well written... but you never have to kneel... be assured that your thoughts are well received... for the entire universe is watching and listening and commenting on what humanity has done to its promise... All of the best from this life, to you, and to all of our relations... Michaelw1two

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