Dig Poem by Bill Upton


Something incurable is different
Than something that has no cure.
Incurable is final,
Not having a cure is a temporary stop.
It is a potentially movable roadblock,
Not an intransient death sentence.
But we don't usually do enough homework to know that.
The detective chromosome in us rarely puts forth an effort
That gets to the roots of solutions.
We allow distractions and naivete
To hasten our philosophies.
We've lost energy and attitude for the paper chase to truth.
We vote for the majority because it is easier
Than swimming upstream for answers.
We stop short of searching for hidden agendas.
As we age, face value issues seem less threatening, less work.
We don't fight to the finish anymore.
We buy the cliff notes to avoid reading the book.
We surrender to common explanations, blind faith.
We love happy endings, rides into the sunset, happy ever afters.
We do not like hard landings.
We don't like doing homework.
These days are different days.
People and things are not as they appear.
There are more wolves than sheep in the barns,
Though to the naked eye they look the same.
Today we need more than superficial responses to life.
The ancient poet, Rumi, said it best,
'Here's the new rule: break the wine glass
And fall toward the glassblower's breath.'

Friday, January 16, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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