Time, just like water, flows in only one direction.
The current of time is the strongest, no matter how strong your affection
for memories you cling, they are like rocks you set at the bottom of the river.
The are not going move as the current moves you.
So the present isn't as blissful as the past,
after all; the less you know the less you are liable for.
You are grown up now so use your big boy abilities
Open your eyes and take some responsibilities!
Forget all of these colored coated quotes.
Stop listening to other people; put down your T.V. remote!
Realize that your present is now your past
And the future is the present.
So now you are dizzy from pondering and reminiscing in circles.
Realize, there's no restart for life, no tricks or miracles.
Stop looking at the past because you make yourself blind.
When you walk backwards into the future, you fall behind.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem