Do Not Knock To The Door To My Soul Poem by Tatiana Pimenova

Do Not Knock To The Door To My Soul

You thought of a passionate fire but it's just the smoke.
It will be dissolved in gray daily routine.
Don't try to see what is containing within.
Forget of the door to my soul! Do not knock!

My door is closed. I am not destined to be loved.
I know the cost. I've paid all of this for my craft.
Moonlight shines to me, but love used to be like the Sun.
Don't try to get in! Because I am not the right one!

It's late to regret. I am broken. I can not be calm.
It's late to be sad. Cause something was read on my palm.
I am blocking… but are you still knocking the door?
You're knocking because you can not wait anymore.

Monday, December 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: fear,fire,love,passion,soul
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