Easy To Conceive Poem by James Onuska

Easy To Conceive

My assets are dwindling. Saucers are rising. Tough all around. Never the event.
It was lent to me. No set case. Give it to me gently. Lack tensions. Lesions. Palms
Down. Sober up. Put a stake in it. Smooth all around. Never that round. My sides
Are splitting. It hit a nervous pitch. It is my favorite. It was leather. Never on its own. Give him a bone. That was my pledge. It had an edge. That lacked effort. It
Was particular. It was low level. Ever even. Keep it insightful. Debatable. It was
Pure pleasure. It met the border. It was geared for. We had a contract. It lacked
Equal sides. Pride. I was lied to. I was careless. Less is more. I was waiting for me.
More about pride. Sire, we gave our support. There was an art to it. Hold it up. Stab back. Stitch in one hand. What about all the lab coats. Coated. Air is free. Give us something to share. Points all around. It's grounded. It's weeded out.
Shake it up. My crying insides. Part dove. Proves harder to shove. I sense love all
Around. Give mercy a chance. Don't laugh. It was measured out. Shout. We were
Holding out. My skin woke up. A little lead way. Tear my heart apart. Break borders. Shove. Much is left to others. Why bother. Shrink it down. A hold over.
It was an older order. It was full grown. It was not of this time. Shrink wrap. Hold
Back. Concentrate. Put on your brakes. He has aged greatly. Top heavy. Measured
Out. It had smooth edges. Identical. What emerged. The older it is. Pits. It was lent to me. Crank it up. Get it in the face. Lacks the pace of others. For all involved. See all that is here. Peerless. Break promises. It was sought after-a light.
Shirtless. The load has it. Don't get ripped off. Rack it up. The balcony has it.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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