Emotional Onslaught Poem by Boston Kelley

Emotional Onslaught

The sun now sets and nighttime comes;
the bright, shining sphere is now put to rest.
Blackness overtakes the sky as its blue shade
is gone;
Day's rule has come to end as Night establishes
its power.
Oh, how this barren soul matches the darkest night!
Its once lush land has been reduced to a lifeless
Night brings its servants of Grief to conquer this once
joyful realm; all peace and prosperity are crushed
like insects in its wake.
I am a weakling against it as Grief attacks me on all
sides; who could stand against such soul-crushing
I wander through the dark night, hoping to find a sliver
of light; alas, all light has been extinguished in the
pitch-black night sky.
Deeper into the night I go, only to meet Jealousy and Envy;
biting anger do they pour into my soul, turning its
barren land into a rotting marsh.
I sink in the quicksand they pour at my feet as they
smile at my weakness.
Below the quicksand, I find a void of blackness with
gruesome Despair as its lord; he bounds me in his chains,
asserting his control over my mind.
What a pitiful journey for me to take! Who could survive
such grotesque sadness?
A mixture of emotions does Night drive into my heart
as I collapse in weariness.
A defeated man, I feel, who cannot rise above his troubles.
Oh, pray that Night will fall and his servants will be thrown
into the deep, that his emotional onslaught may trouble
me no more.

Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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