Empowering Change To Safeguard Our Planet Poem by Anitha Vijayakumar

Empowering Change To Safeguard Our Planet

As a lover of nature and the written word too,
I offer these lines to inspire actions anew.
For each individual holds the power to make a change,
To safeguard our planet, let's rearrange.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle, the three R's we know,
These simple acts can help our planet's glow.
Conserve energy, turn off lights when you're away,
Unplug chargers and appliances that aren't in use today.

Water is precious, let's not waste a drop,
Fix leaks, take shorter showers, let's make it stop.
Say no to plastic bags, bring your own tote,
Choose reusable bottles, instead of waste, let's promote.

In our gardens, let nature reign supreme,
Plant trees, grow flowers, create a vibrant dream.
Use organic methods, avoid harmful chemicals,
Invite butterflies and bees, let's make their lives miracles.

Say goodbye to single-use items, they cause harm,
Switch to cloth napkins, and say no to plastic cutlery's charm.
Invest in sustainable products, eco-friendly and fair,
Support companies that prioritize the Earth's welfare.

Travel wisely, choose sustainable transportation means,
Carpool, ride a bicycle, or take trains to distant scenes.
Offset your carbon footprint, plant trees in your name,
Leave no trace, cherish nature, and it will never be the same.

Educate and inspire others, be the voice for change,
Raise awareness, share knowledge, our planet's range.
Preserve habitats, protect wildlife, for they're all interconnected,
For a thriving Earth, each action, however small, is truly respected.

So let us embark on this new year's resolution,
To protect our environment, with dedication and solution.
For together we have the power to make a mighty stand,
And leave a greener, healthier world for generations,  hand in hand.

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