Exploring Happiness #51- My Mind Poem by June Stepansky

Exploring Happiness #51- My Mind

My mind
is under my jurisdiction.
I will not allow it
to willfully wander,
like an errant child,
wherever it chooses.
I will guard it in the night
from straying into
frightening corners.
I will protect it in the day
from harmful input.

It is, after all,
my very own mind
to watch over and to love,
so that it will always continue
to grow and to prosper.

There are really two minds living inside us, one that makes our decisions and the other that hopefully acts on those decisions.
Unfortunately these two separate minds don’t always work together and when that happens, our decisions don’t always become our actions.
Reconciling these two diverse minds and helping them to work together is a very difficult task, because it takes both decision-making and discipline to reach our goals.
Making control and discipline an important objective of our efforts helps us to make our lives happier and more productive.

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Self respect is the root of discipline:
the sense of dignity grows with the ability
to say no to oneself.
Abraham J. Heschel

Your brain shall be your servant instead of your master.
You will rule it instead of allowing it to rule you.
Charles E. Popplestone

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