Fade Away Poem by Michael Lee Buchanan

Fade Away

I tried to write you a hundred songs
but it seems every time I finish them
they sound all wrong
and I just cant express the feeling that I belong

But now I sit here,
all alone and cold inside
wishing these writings would fade away
because these words are threatening my life

and I could scream for you
but now I know its too late
and its time to wake up from this dream
no more can these words be something I mean

I used to sing for you
but now the point is mute
and the guitar can longer strum
the strings broke and I cannot make it through

within my heart, that wants to keep going
with all the knowledge and with me knowing
and into the ocean the boat is rowing
I am just looking for a new home

I want to get away from you
and I want to flee from us
because there is nothing left
and disappearing is what is best

You asked me never to go
and you begged me to just leave
so I joined up signing away my life
getting shot is easier than facing the knife

you said you wanted to be my wife
but you could never seem to escape your life
and you didn't want to drag me in
even when I was ready for just us to begin

Now I wonder how this will end
will I die or return home a hero
without you my heart will flat-line
and those saying it was the war, were just blind.

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