Fides Poem by Jonie Panti


In this dark side of road, I sit to live…
Out of nothing indeed, I raised my hand for aid.

Until the crowds are trembling in my ears…

In this dark side of road, I tried to stand but I can't…
As I heard amidst the crowd, Jesus of Nazareth is here…
I'm bit excited but get nervous,
For I am longing for this cross to cling..

Ah! ! ! .. He is the Messiah…

I sense His presence…

I want to move…

I want to shout too…

But someone says,

Be quiet! ! ! Do not to bother Jesus.
Jesus would not do anything for you..

But then,

In this dark side of road, I feel Jesus shines within me…
Without thinking…
and because of such joyous thing I'd heard...
I loudly shout came out in my lips..

"Jesus thou Son of David have Mercy On Me! "…..

And someone calls me back, I move a little..

Then Someone ask me..

"What do you want me to do for you? "

I know He is..

I trust He can..

Because is a our Messiah..

For that happiness I felt..

I said,

"Master, let me receive my sight."

In this dark side of road…
I see no dark no more..
But a face of a men shining
in my heart

Until He says,

'Go thy way thy Faith have made thee whole'..

In this illumine side of road..
I fear in dark, no more..
for i saw the light brighter
than the thing up in the sky
They called Sun...

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