Forest Of Souls Poem by Bethany Maxwell

Forest Of Souls

The path was dark and shadowed,
They walked as their children followed.

Through the forest to the feild,
For time they shall not yeild.

Lost souls on their paths to fate,
As the reach eternals gate.

The path was dark and shadowed
They walked on as their children followed

The darkness is overcoming
As if to bow before what they are becoming.

They walk with their eyes ahead,
with nowhere to go but where they are lead.

They walk with family, with lovers,
As the mist lightly huvers

The path was dark and shadowed,
As they walk on with more coming to follow.

Their souls are lost, their hearts are gone,
As they walk through the woods as they walk on.

They carry the memories with them,
They leave all their feelings behind them.

Now they walk as one,
Until all but an empy shell is gone.

The path becomes dark and shadowed,
As more people come to follow.

The souls of men, of people,
As they all come, all the people.

They walk through the forest, through the wood,
Down the path of fate, past where they once stood.

The path is dark and shadowed,
As more and more people follow.

They walk past trees,
And plants and bushes, past all of these.

They walk, an empty shell, their emotions and their being...gone.
The souls walk on.

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Bethany Maxwell

Bethany Maxwell

some where in this universe muhahaha
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