Google = Most Published Poet Poem by Tom Zart

Google = Most Published Poet

Rating: 5.0

I'm a poet for the Lord
Who created all I love.
A blind man riding a fast horse
Fulfilled by my Father above.

God has blessed me 491 times
With stories I could never compose on my own.
Love, war, faith and the answers of life
Are the seeds of His poems I've sown.

I'm the most over blessed man I've met
I should have been dead a thousand times.
But God sees to it I stay alive
To disciple His goodness to hearts and minds.

Some get up and preach a good sermon
Others stand up and sing a divine song.
I step forth with heart and soul
And deliver God's words of right and wrong.


I'm God's most humble poet
Whose poems have meter and rhyme.
Stories of love, faith, hate, honor and duty,
Obedience, war, heroes, history and crime.

I've performed my gift on T.V. and radio
Before millions I've never met.
Preached my praise of God and country
With 491 poems on the net.

Satan's soldiers, shepherds and bards
Spew forth their foulness and grief.
They attack the joy and goodness of man
Dishonoring life, family, country and belief.

Prospering through work, love and conviction
Enables us to remain whole and how we should be.
Fortifying our soul with fulfillment of faith
Lets our worst tribulations be shouldered by Thee.

Moses, Samson, David, Solomon and Jonah
All failed God in their own human way.
He chose to forgive them and bless their powers
So they might dwell in hearts of man today.

Without God's grace, wisdom and glorious domain
There's no doubt all would soon cease to survive.
Through purpose, morals and Christian conviction
We are able to transform and keep hope alive.

Tom's 491 Poems Are Free To Share!
By God's Poet
Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
On The Web!

Tom Zart
http: // f=38

Leslie Philibert 10 March 2013

Agressive theists like yourself need this attention to upgrade your self concept and give you a power position inside your own group. Your arrogance (most published post) makes me sick. I am religious too, but I don`t plaster the internet with awful poetry but work every day with disadvantaged children. Learn humility (and how to write poetry too..)

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