Handsome Poem by Robert R. Railey


(Is as handsome Does)

The cowboy type or a sophisticated Adonis, do women really dream of the he-man type or do they prefer the more normal; nevertheless, if he's of their kind he'll be easy to find
On the other hand, though, if women continue to tell him that he's good-looking then we really can't fault him, can we?
But if we honestly try to understand the ladies' man, then we must first realize that his life is but a quest to date all the rest, or at least, all the ones he hasn't been with
However, we should still give him his due, and especially since his main role in life is to woo, for as a rule, he takes his calling very seriously
Though at times, his mind seems to take on a life of its own and that's when he behaves as if governed by some kind of fate for by then his loyalties to anyone have flown out of the window and he will eventually end up leaving every woman he's known
He can't stay with one, for as he's prone to say, there's just entirely too much fun to be had out there in the rye
He's greedy and self-centered, all right, with only one thing on his mind and he prays that it'll go on forever
And of course he thinks of no one but himself for he actually believes that he really is special; for hasn't he's been told so and so many times over?
He'll give you one shot, or two at the most, just to see if you're worthy
But when the relationship ends, as it always does, he might just become the most hated man on earth; but let's be completely honest here and admit something to ourselves, he couldn't have succeeded without some very willing takers
Yet no one is saying that it's any one woman's fault, for we could always blame bad luck or poor judgment; but all throughout the game she knew deep down in her heart that he was nothing but a faker; and didn't he also warn her not to shake his tree unless she liked his peaches
Nevertheless, you can hate him or love him but almost unbelievably the women still want him; perhaps it's the bad boy in him they see
Or perhaps they believe that they'll be able to change him, and possibly even tame him, but that's a wish that's not likely to happen, is it?
So try as you might, he'll still play the game, and the only other recourse you'll have is to flee

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