Happiness Is Ultimate Goal Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

Happiness Is Ultimate Goal

Whatever we do for Happiness in our livies.
A man may be rich, famous married & educated
But still he might be unhappy and willing to sucide.
Money, reputation, knowledge, and nurture of ego
Can't be linked with pure sources of Happiness.
We have heard news like wife of millionaire
Ran away with servant just to satisfy her lust.
Your knowledge, property and social pristige
Can't purchase happiness for your life.
Your inner joy is associated with satisfaction of mind
A depressed person isn't able to talk with joy
He ghinks the world doesn't exist for him.
Love is the basis source of happiness
It is an essence of life and cause of our existence.
You are born because of love, you try to live
Just because of love, love and to be loved
To perceive pleasantness deep inside heart.
The infinite river of Happiness flows from Love
Your grand achievements ensure only temporary joy
You might have heard, some of revered successful actors
Who ended their livies due to betrayal in love
Hence, inner Happiness does carry great value in life.
Be joyful in your work and have respect for others
Hatred and jealousy disturb peace of mind
That in long run, steal your inner Happiness
Our ancestor Adam had kicked out immortality
Just for his love for Eve.
Happiness is feature of heaven
You can't hate anyone else in the earth
If your heart feeds on love and compassion.
You can't be jealous of one
Whom you love from inner core.

Composed by Tulsi Shrestha
@copyright reserved

Saturday, December 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: goal,happiness,joy,love
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