Hating Hatred Poem by Tyton Toste

Hating Hatred

What one dose not understand
One will only hate.
Thus with one dead in the sand
The rest will come to play.

In love is hate,
It is hate for all.
All who dose not fit
This lover's frame.

And for those
Who say 'love.'
They best shout 'hate'
And scream 'kill'

Those who mark themselves
As killers and thieves,
Are running away from
Their own hate and grief.

And those who say 'perfection to all.'
Are fully drowned in their own failure.
To be perfect in their own eye
And to the eye of the world.

Thus we must all
IGNORE the eye of the world,
No less then the tongue.
Only then can we be 'perfection'

For many cannot see
The artistic colors.
For many cannot hear
The guiding kindness.

Many have seen
The scars of hate,
Many have heard
The roar of taunt.

Therefore many shall
Speak the blade of defiance.
Therefore many shall
scream the roar of scorn!

Thus this is the only world
They have known.
And thus this is the
Happiest world they have known.

Unless he who hurts
Is begging for attention,
And acceptance to kin,
Belay my rant.

Many shall die
In the world we made.
And many shall fly
At the tip of the blade.

Tyton Toste

Tyton Toste

Fotuna California
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