He Sees It All Poem by Michael P. Johnson

He Sees It All

We pride each other’s flesh and bone
It gives us such a thrill
Yet lurking in most hearts of stone
Are thoughts to cheat and kill

Which most of us deny of course
Such evil cannot be
Whilst Satan, their ultimate source
Rubs both his hands in glee

We lie to self and others too
We cheat where ere we can
Behind a mask away from view
We fool our fellow man

But God’s not mocked nor is He blind
He knows our heart and soul
He sees each thought each scheming mind
He sees our wayward goal

Whatever plan however bold
Though cunning we may be
No secret can a man withhold
For God can always see

So best give up this one way street
Divert our thoughts on high
Admit to God every defeat
And let their sources die

Love is the tool love is the way
Love is the street to go
Through love of Jesus Christ today
Salvation’s wind will blow

It’s not too late the time is right
The place is here and now
Receive from God His Guiding Light
When to His Son you bow

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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