Her Leaving Poem by lee bredeson

Her Leaving

man i just feel like i just want to quit.
I can't i just take another hit
i no i have to stop i do 4 a little bit
It will go and then hop back into the scene
im sure some people no what i mean
its the same thing with girls and drugs
their kisses and hugs are so addicting
the afflicting pain is so strong
i cant get the song we had out of my head
i wish all my feelings were dead
my anger, hate and pain all fed on her leaving
she was so deceiving the way she would look at me
i was so blind i could see it, it was in front of me the whole time.
listen to this beat that i speak dont let it happen she'll leave you weak
make you meek to the world it will seem so scary the weight on your shoulders
its getting harder to carry as you grow older
your heart grows colder you miss her
all you want to do is hold her
now thats shes gone can you move on in life with out her
can you make it'll seem you can't take it
but you can do anything you set your mind to.
but all i can see is her leaving.

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