How Do You Know? Poem by kendyll brown

How Do You Know?

How do you know
When your in love?

When your in love
you feel your stomache fly
everytime you think of them
everytime you hear their voice
everytime you see their face

when your in love
you dont pick around the flaws
or point out whats wrong
you dont care about their past
you just love them
for who they are
and wouldnt want to change them

when your in love
you never think that your 'putting up' with them
you always take them as they are

when your in love
you miss them all the time
you dont like good byes

when your in love
you cant stand to see them cry
you'd do anything to take away their pain
just to make them ok
you'd rather feel the pain
then your love be hurting

when your in love
you never want to fight
you want to hold them tight
you want to agree with them
no matter what your differences

when your in love
you stay by they're side
even when they're wrong

when your in love
you know you'd be nothing
with out them
empty inside
that they are meant for you
a part of your heart an soul
you never want to be with out them
an you'd do anything for them

kendyll brown

kendyll brown

california, USA
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