Human Miracles Poem by Kevin Patrick

Human Miracles

Rating: 5.0

The world isn't always a merry go round of cruelty
there's a niche brand of magic that goes unseen
like a neighbor shoveling drive-ways for an elderly man
and expecting nothing, but the wealth of his well being
a grandmother, offering a struggling mother a ride
when she and her children are swept in the rain
Or a young man helping a disabled man cross the road
And acts with empathy, when he guides him to safe passage
It can be a stranger offering the hand of friendship
to a freak or a loner, whose knowing friends as fantasy
A simple and genuine "how are you, do you want to hangout"
can pull your hands faster from the trigger of your dark interiors
A small business owner, offering a new citizen a job
when they do not have the currency of a common language
but sees the promise and potential in a true dream
being realized with one small step of brotherhood
But most importantly, when you're on that ledge
And gazing one hard look, into oblivions sweet arms
It's a smile from a stranger, a small payment of kindness
That's worth more than the weight of all the worlds gold
We may never cure wars, or hate, or manmade diseases
But it's the small things that count those human miracles.

Monday, March 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: awe,manifestation
Well Wisher 04 March 2019

Some great lines Kevin.

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