I Can Help You With Your Dna, Lg Poem by L.B. Temuco

I Can Help You With Your Dna, Lg

We are all genes sleeping
waiting for lids to flutter in translation
to pull down the shutters on miserable chance,
on the nights of blind possibilities
the touching of dreams with our fingers.
The algorithms of want
in great clouds
in our secret roots
in one big earth.
In the tragedy of this warm bed.

Guanine goodbye.
Every day is the first day.

I can help you with your DNA
the protein spume of its tides
its fiery phosphorescence
the crowns of its sweet coronation.
Unravel the helices in your soul
Uncoil the serpents from Hermes wand
Break this necklace of messages from the Gods

We swam to each other once
under your dark cloak
the thin threads of our existence
swollen and searching.
Until autumn came.

We could escape courageously over mountains
scale the steel granite cliffs
dress with blue fleece the gashes we make in the sky
leave the brave ash of our bones in the valleys.
Part our lips with the crimson blood of cherries
and bleed into each other infinitely.
In absolute simplicity

You are the air
on which moonlight feeds.
Its moisture becomes a tempest in your mouth
and you tremble against me.
Your being, your voice,
The soft breath of the desert
that I can still breathe by heart

I can help you with your DNA
and I can turn your thoughts around.
In this Cul de Sac, where you are me
and I am you.

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