I Hate It Poem by Lindy Jean Kleinhans

I Hate It


I hate it when you delete my pictures
I hate it when you delete our chats
I hate the fact that I hate these things
I wish I understood these heartbreaking acts

The memory of me wiped away like sand
Every night with sleight of the hand
I know this is how it's meant, for now
But it makes me feel like NOTHING, that's how!

I never ever wished to be
The afterthought you make of me
I feel everything so passionately
And always love you wholeheartedly

I will always give you my best
My all, my life, my whole treasure chest
You are no secret of mine
when we're together they see how we shine

I hate it when we leave
I hate that ticking bomb
I hate that you seem eager
To leave and run for home

Suppose I see what I want to see
Suppose I'm destined for travesty
Suppose we're doing the best we can
Suppose you know you are MY MAN

You have to understand, we're destined for change
Unto ourselves - it was pre-arranged
We're together to learn from old mistakes
And teach each other just what it takes

Not changing one another
But change unto thine self
That is the bigger picture
Our own book on OUR shelf

To be true and real and faithful in love
This love that was sent from heaven above
We were meant to become 'two halves make a whole'
In you I have found myself and my soul.

And me? ? ? What about me? What did I do?
To make you change-the you that was you?
The hardest and strongest fall harder in love
Do I not affect you the same as above?

The silence, it kills me.
It makes me so sad
Feels like I'm a specter
Of the day that we had

Please understand my unreasonable reason
I don't mean to make you feel guilty of treason
I need to put my feelings in rhyme
It helps with the clearing of head in due time

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