I Hear A Distant Rumble. Poem by Fauxcroft Wade

I Hear A Distant Rumble.

I hear a distant rumble

There is a storm coming,

I hear a distant rumble

As the ground beneath my feet shakes,

I hear a distant rumble

As the lightening and the rain comes,

I hear a distant rumble

As the machines run cut to g down the trees in the jungle

I hear a distant rumble

As the earth shakes,

I hear a distant rumble

There is a massive earthquake,

I hear a distant rumble

As the alarms wail,

I hear a distant rumble

As the tsunami roar towards the land after earthquakes hit at sea

I hear a distant rumble

As nature fights back,

I hear a distant rumble

As the clouds turn black,

I hear a distant rumble

As as the missiles are launched,

I hear a distant rumble

As man goes to war once more

I hear a distant rumble

As the nuclear warheads drop,

I hear a distant rumble

And then everything stops and man is gone,

Taking every other species with it.

But the Earth survives and nature heals,

After long nuclear winters

And after many years,

Nature once more starts to thrive

And once more it springs forth life,

No more to be heard the distant rumbles,

Just the quietness of solitude

And the beauty of nature's bliss.

No man survived but the environment did

And it soon covers over everything,

It's like man never was here

As if it never existed

But nature replenished for it is persistent,

As the light now shines so bright,

And once again this Earth is a beautiful sight,

It found a way to heal,

Where as man only found a way to kill and become extinct.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: climate change,environment,inspirational,spiritual,spirituality
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