I Will Poem by A D

I Will

I'm so far from perfect.
Every day I try to push myself to become better.
I strive so hard, but is it really for me?
I do what I do in hopes to please you.

I tear myself down and persecute myself within my own mind
So much so that my self-esteem has now been shattered and crushed so far down that I can't even see it anymore
So far… that there isn't a presence of ME

I have not been my true self for so long.
I can't even see a clear path anymore.
I've wanted to leave, escape this cruel fate for so long, but I feel shackled down by fear of your words.

Fear of not knowing where I will go or what I will do.
Maybe… just maybe that fear is what I need to move on.
I said after four years I'd be gone but when the second set came up, I was again chained down and trapped by you.

This time… Oh, this time I will leave you in this place.
Only a year and half to go and I could not be happier because once more I have a chance for freedom.
But this time I won't take it for granted.

I will use this second chance and make my great escape
Somewhere I can be myself and find my own way.
Not a way you paved and cookie cut for me.
I will never let you dim my light again because I want to shine bright like the sun and illuminate like the moon.

I will find my destiny, you just wait and see.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: parent


Houston, TX
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