If Allah Wills Poem by Mustafa Marconi

If Allah Wills

If Allah wills
I will see you in the morning
Continue our journey to Jerusalem
Passing through the conflicting roads
Of this physical dimension
Praying for strength and understanding
Opening our hearts to love unconditionally
Even when surrounded by indifference and hostility
And threatened by the amazing perseverance
Of human ignorance and hatred
If Allah wills
I will greet you later in the evening
As our individual social journeys once again cross paths
Under the holy temples of marriage and family
Opening our hearts to love unconditionally
Praying for wisdom and understanding
Even when enticed by earthly temptations
And threatened daily by the weakness of the flesh
If Allah wills
Our children will grow to be conscientious and honorable
Continue the legacy we attempt now to leave
As they endeavor to define their own personal niche
Within the human family
Opening their eyes to the realities of life
Even when surrounded by the never ending array of illusions
Of the most glorious of all angels
Praying as we do now
For guidance and understanding
These blessings we earnestly seek through prayers
And the seeds of goodness we diligently sow
We desire for every man, woman, and child
All of God’s children
Regardless of race, color, or social position
Not my deeds be done, but yours
If Allah Wills

Mustafa Marconi

Mustafa Marconi

New York, New York
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