If Christ Is In Our Hearts Poem by Michael P. Johnson

If Christ Is In Our Hearts

If Christ is really in our hearts
If truth is yours and mine
We need to visit other parts
And share His love divine

We need to go from town to town
To lands across the sea
The lost to find life’s victory crown
And Satan’s prisoners free

We should encourage who are weak
Retrieve who’ve gone astray
Turn to our foes the other cheek
And for their souls to pray

The world, in us should see God’s Light
Should see The Truth is ours
Should see the bride of Christ can fight
Through Jesus’ awesome powers

We need to raise the walking dead
Return the blind their sight
Help now the lost flee Satan’s bed
And see God’s church is right

We must be right, for life to win
For souls to flee the grave
If Jesus freed us of our sin
If Jesus came to save

If Christ is truly on our mind
If Christ dwells deep inside
We need to show the world yet blind
That we are Jesus’ bride

But till we rise on eagle’s wing
Until in love we grow
Until as one we come to sing
The lost may never know

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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