Im Rambiling Bout Love Poem by Stephanie Fleharty

Im Rambiling Bout Love

Love is so unfair
there may be a person so perfect for you
but you are not perfect for them
you may be in love with someone
but they wont love you back.
you want to tell them so badly but you just cant
bcuz you no nothing will ever happen
and you may think they like you
then they will go and talk about you behind your back
and you'll flirt with them, and they'll flirt back
but then you find out they were just doing that to be nice
it wasnt that they even liked you in the first place
they just didnt want to hurt you feelings
but as far as they know you go and cry over them
becuz you want them to like you like you like them
and when you do tell them, they just say
'oh yay everyone does lol' but your trying to be serious
you may have just met the person
but they seem so sweet and they're perfect for you
but they are in love with someone else
and, theres nothing you can do about it.
Love sucks, but, in some cases
the person will just say things like that
because they are afraid of liking you
or they also know that there shouldnt be anything
to happen between them either.
so love is just so consusing
and nobody ever says what they feel because
they are so afraid that it just makes me want to scream!

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