sxc babe xxx Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Why Have Everything? ?

This darkness is to much to bear
There's nothing to keep you strong
Nothing to say i love you
Nothing left at all....

5 Years This Year

this year will be the 5th year with out yuu
ii cant believe its that long ago
yuu turned yuur back on me
ii cant believe it ii miss yuu more and more every day

5 Years Later And Now Yuu Say Sorry

after 5 years you finally say sorry,
but it doesn't change anything at all
coz even though you now say sorry
i've had too live with it for 5 years

Im My Eyes Your My Hero Not My Brother

In my eyes you’re my hero
I look up to you
You are the greatest person in the world
You could do no wrong

10 Mnths To Go

10 mnths left of me
10 mnths and ill be free
10 mnths and ill be me
10 mnths seems so long

Soz I Got A Man

why did yuu have to tell me that 4
i proberly would of found out soon
but yuu have a gf and ii have a bf
now ii no that yuu like me

Sisters Till The Very End 3

your my sister 4 life
and life has no end
ill love yuu forever even when your life ends

Don'T Care

ii see yuu their ii noo yuu care
but why ii just dont noo
yuu say yuu want me but ii dont care
coz ii got a man

Why Cant Weee

ii love yuu
yuu love me
but yet wee cant be
is it because we're not ment to be

It Was Wrong

ii no its wrong,
but ii likeed the way
yuu held me close nxt to yuu
today but it was soo wrong coz

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