In Love's Light Waves Poem by Chima Ononogbu

In Love's Light Waves

O my fairest one, it was a night like no other, when we met,
The sky had put on its coat of black,
The moon reared up from an angle like a faded yellow,
The only light I saw was the flames kindled by your presence,
Your soft breeze that blew across my face
Had a thing for magic; a spark
Which fused my eyes with yours in an order of a luscious passion.

A scene sculpted in beauty, in exalted ecstasy,
The leaping and meeting of our eyes
At an intersection awash in excitement,
Like light, which unveiled our aspects, so carried away,
We fell into each other's open arms for warmth, held on tightly,
As beatitudes of our new dawn, fragrant as the chirps
Of tangled lovebirds, drizzled from our lips,
Then up the limitless sky we flew hand in hand in love's light waves.

I forget not, my fairest one, from where you rescued me,
Then, I, a vessel, broken, downcast,
In stowaway alleys guised in blended colors, where they say
Love comes easy as morning dews, as rain in rainy weather,
But none did I find but my heart wrenched, hurting
Like a shadow stripped and lashed with a hot rind of iron.

Your hands pulled me up and with flesh garbed my naked bones;
O how you love me; never letting go my rays when my sun has gone asleep;
Around me is your grace radiant as the soft face of an angel,
While your words shimmer through my soul as healing herbs,
As sweet roses with petals that fan my muted heart to life.
Your love is secret is open is minutely is daily; it brews and blooms.

Babygirl, my love for you I dare not explain, but if I should,
Like a mathematician breaking down a collection of unbreakable numbers
It shall be.
For if my love for you is thrown into a burning furnace,
It shall remain green as a young blooming flower;
If chased into a congregation of a mean cold winter snow,
It shall be warm as a summer day in autumn.
This sacred oath is my bond is the love
I'll love you through the Infinite arrow of time.

A Valentine's poem.
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