Insightful Eclectic Reflections Poem by Robert R. Railey

Insightful Eclectic Reflections

Insightful Eclectic Reflections
(Sensitive and miscellaneous thoughts)

If we are not truly sincere about wanting to change some of those preconditioned notions that we first learned as children, then we'll most likely continue to carry that baggage with us to our graves
And from my own life's experiences I've noticed that a good many of the children I've known have a tendency to accept what an older and trusted person tells them as gospel; and I also believe that most children are willing to take advice from their elders in hopes that it might someday end up being a valuable piece of information that'll help them along on their journey through life.
As a child, I'm sure that I was a lot like most of the other children being that I was completely oblivious to the fact that any one of my elders could have ever been mistaken about anything at all
And the main reason that this innocent pearl of wisdom has risen up from of the depths of my subconscious is that I've just recently remembered an incident that happened many years ago
During one unparticular time in the past, as one of my granddaughters and I were discussing a certain situation concerning some advice I'd previously given her on how best to handle a minor difficulty, I was shocked to learn that what I'd told her before had turned out to be an incorrect assessment of the situation; or at the very least, it wasn't exactly the right and proper way in which to handle a problem of that nature
Accordingly, then, I was forced to admit that I'd made an error, and also that the information and advice that I'd previously given her was flawed
Then with a slight look of hurt on her little face, and also with a lot of confusion in her voice, she asked if I meant that I'd made a mistake and to which I had to answer with a resounding yes that I had indeed made a mistake; but I had to also tell her that her grandfather was just as fallible as all of the rest of the people in the world
Though when looking back on that moment it's quite possible that the message the young girl received that day might have been one of the most important lessons that she will ever learn; and that's simply that it's not always best to accept everything that people say at face value
Yet fortunately for us, the world has given us many great minds; and also just as thankfully those sages from the past had the foresight to set down on paper some of the most basic rules and tenets on how we should conduct ourselves
So then as a direct result of those instructions from the past we now know that if we were to adhere to those principles which have been placed in front of us then we'll most likely lead a normal and healthy life: then too, we have also been told that if we don't eat the recommended daily nutritional requirements, which are necessary for us to have a healthy body, then we'll most likely pay for our digressions by contracting a host of unpleasant diseases
It should also go without saying that if we drink alcohol to excess, and then also use any of the other the drugs which are available out there in the world, then our otherwise healthy minds and bodies will surely fail us

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