Kat's Poem Poem by Medusa Waves

Kat's Poem

You sit with me and I find peace
I am in love with something beyond the limitations of the eye
Something in you that makes the cold air feel rosy
In my eyes you are the first star in the night, you preserve past all troubles and shine brightest
You’re magnetic and everyone knows you
You draw the eyes of people, a magnetism of a strong being
You’re the last bit of sun light before the darkness comes, and the first breaking rays in the morning- - noticed and admired,
Especially by me
You’re hardest on yourself- but all around you everyone knows of your great strength that with time you will harness and strike with awe everyone who has ever doubted you
I never doubt you
I never doubt your aspirations and know you will be the person you set yourself to be
Those who struggle the most through life, make it to the end because trivial obstacles we shall face will never compare to our hardest times,
I’ll give you all the strength I can give.
You are the highest peak of every mountain top-
You’ve worked till blood to get to the heights
And when I see from beyond your mountaintop I see all beauty in life’s darkest strives
You are a small sea shell, small and fragile in sight
But holds the roars of waves and seas within
You are small and fragile, but your heart is the ocean

Thursday, October 22, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life,depression,love
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