Key To My Dreams Poem by Saturday Chikezie Promise

Key To My Dreams

Key to my Dreams

There is no key to dreams, but I do have a clue:
A dream isn't a dream if it's one without you.

Dreams are a time, when you let your thoughts unwind.
Dreams are when, you're on my mind.
Dreams are when I think of what you say
Dreams are dreams, just dreaming the night away...

In dreams you can experience just about everything...
In dreams you could dream all the things you've never seen.
But what really are, these things we call dreams?
Are they facts, imagination, or overflowing banks of endless streams?

In dreams it can all be perfect and good
But only in real life...only if it could

When reality is so distant, and dreams are, oh so near
All you have to do is shut your eyes, and lose all of your fears.
Just sit back, relax and close your eyes,
You'll see your mind all the things you never realized.

Dreams are not nightmares.
Dreams are always sweet.
Dreams are a wonderful present.
Dreams are a short-lasting treat.

I have found the key to my dreams, through an everlasting clue.
It is the sweetest of sweetest dreams, because the key is you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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