Learn To Live Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Learn To Live

This world today’s in such a spin
Confusion’s everywhere
People are dying so plagued with sin
They fail to even care

Look east look west see darkness thrive
See north and south deceit
Yet where there’s breath will hope survive
To make our dreams complete

Some learn to live by each mistake
Some learn in truth to thrive
A few find love for Heaven’s sake
Through Jesus Christ alive

He’s Lord, God born King of the Jew
Counsellor, life long Guide
Creator of all yet Doctor too
When dwelling deep inside

Friend of the rich friend of the poor
Lover of all in need
Life’s balm life’s oil, life’s every Cure
And Bread on which to feed

He’s Peace He’s Joy to those who grieve
Water to quench all thirst
But who of us will God believe
And put Christ Jesus first

Who’ll die to sin and live to rise?
Who’ll trust where others fall?
Who’s faith will open wide their eyes?
And find He’s all in all

They’ll seek to learn His perfect will
They’ll love Him and obey
They’ll live and walk with Him until
Beyond the narrow way

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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